Friday 30 October 2009

Close game to 17? on KGS

My first game of the day was with a 17k Russian, who resigned after about 20 moves for some reason. Perhaps called away for something, or perhaps they were frustrated with my laggy moves. Certainly wasn't because they were losing, because they weren't. His resignation made me a 17k. A win is a win, but unless it is earned, I doubt it is to your advantage to have a higher rank than you are entitled to. Regular play will iron out such kinks, presumably.

Next, despite some more heavy lag, a fun game with a 17k? player: Kairo1.

My opponent won the game by 3.50 points. I made many mistakes this game, but I at least managed to surround one of their groups as consolation. My compulsion to keep my groups connected now seems second nature, finally. I ran out of main time about half way through the game (due *I think* to laggy responses, and played the rest in byo-yomi. I.e. pretty much in panic.)

Move 4, I took the enclosure rather than the remaining hoshi - wise?
Move 11, B nicely prevented a solid connection between W's two groups.
Move 44, perhaps solidifying top left at J17 would be better in terms of territory.
Move 54 oddly determined to split black. Better at O8?
Move 80 was greedy and I got rightly punished.
Move 95 a big point, denying a lot of territory to W.
Move 100 very short-sighted.

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